Source code for scripts.fix_tokenization

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import csv
import os
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element

from unidecode import unidecode

from ucca.convert import to_site, from_site, SiteCfg, SiteUtil
from ucca.ioutil import get_passages_with_progress_bar, write_passage
from ucca.normalization import normalize
from ucca.textutil import get_tokenizer

desc = """Parses XML files in UCCA standard format, fix tokenization and write back."""

CURRENCIES = {"$", "¥", "£", "€"}

# ---------------------------- set format:
HYPHEN_TO_E_AND_C = "elaborator-"
APOSTROPHE_TO_E_AND_C = "elaborator'"
HYPHEN_TO_UNANALYZABLE = "unanalyzable-"
POSSESSIVE_S_TO_UNANALAYZABLE = "possessive s - unanalyzable"
POSSESSIVE_S_TO_PARENT_AND_F = "possessive s - Function"
POSSESSIVE_S_TO_C_AND_R = "possessive s - Relator"

[docs]def expand_to_neighboring_punct(i, is_puncts): """ >>> expand_to_neighboring_punct(0, [False, True, True]) (0, 3) >>> expand_to_neighboring_punct(2, [True, True, False]) (0, 3) >>> expand_to_neighboring_punct(1, [False, False, False]) (1, 2) """ start = i end = i + 1 while start > 0 and is_puncts[start - 1]: start -= 1 while end < len(is_puncts) and is_puncts[end]: end += 1 return start, end
[docs]class State: def __init__(self): self.ID = 1000000
[docs] def get_id(self): ret = str(self.ID) self.ID += 1 return ret
[docs]def create_unit_element(state, text, tag): elem = Element(SiteCfg.Tags.Terminal, {SiteCfg.Attr.SiteID: state.get_id()}) elem.text = text preterminal_elem = Element(SiteCfg.Tags.Unit, {SiteCfg.Attr.SiteID: state.get_id()}) preterminal_parent = Element(SiteCfg.Tags.Unit, { SiteCfg.Attr.ElemTag: tag, SiteCfg.Attr.SiteID: state.get_id(), SiteCfg.Attr.Unanalyzable: SiteCfg.FALSE, SiteCfg.Attr.Uncertain: SiteCfg.FALSE}) preterminal_elem.append(elem) preterminal_parent.append(preterminal_elem) return preterminal_parent
[docs]def create_token_element(state, text, is_punctuation): elem = Element(SiteCfg.Tags.Terminal, {SiteCfg.Attr.SiteID: state.get_id()}) elem.text = text preterminal_elem = Element(SiteCfg.Tags.Unit, {SiteCfg.Attr.ElemTag: SiteCfg.Types.Punct if is_punctuation else SiteCfg.TBD, SiteCfg.Attr.SiteID: state.get_id(), SiteCfg.Attr.Unanalyzable: SiteCfg.FALSE, SiteCfg.Attr.Uncertain: SiteCfg.FALSE}) preterminal_elem.append(elem) return preterminal_elem
[docs]def insert_punct(insert_index, preterminal_parent, state, punct_tokens): for punct_token in punct_tokens: punct_elem = create_token_element(state, punct_token, is_punctuation=True) preterminal_parent.insert(insert_index, punct_elem) insert_index += 1 return insert_index
[docs]def get_parents(paragraph, elements): return [next(x for x in paragraph.iter(SiteCfg.Tags.Unit) if t in x) for t in elements]
[docs]def insert_retokenized(terminal, preterminal_parent, tokens, index_in_preterminal_parent, non_punct_index, state): terminal.text = tokens[non_punct_index] insert_index = insert_punct(index_in_preterminal_parent, preterminal_parent, state, tokens[:non_punct_index]) insert_punct(insert_index + 1, preterminal_parent, state, tokens[non_punct_index + 1:])
[docs]def insert_retokenized_currency(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, tokens, state): if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[0] in CURRENCIES and \ (tokens[1].replace('.', '', 1).isdigit() or tokens[1].replace(',', '').isdigit()): terminals[i].text = tokens[1] index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[i].getchildren(). \ index(preterminals[i]) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_token_element(state, tokens[0], is_punctuation=False)) return True return False
[docs]def false_indices(l): return [i for i, x in enumerate(l) if not x]
[docs]def is_punct(text): return all(not c.isalnum() for c in text)
[docs]def strip_context(new_context, old_context, start_offset, end_offset): """ >>> strip_context(["I", "'ve", "done"], ["I", "'ve", "done"], 1, 1) ["'ve"] >>> strip_context(["I", "'ve,", "done"], ["I", "'ve", ",", "done"], 1, 1) ["'ve", ","] >>> strip_context(["'ve", "done"], ["'", "ve", "done"], 0, 1) ["'", "ve"] >>> strip_context(["I", "'ve,"], ["I", "'ve", ","], 1, 0) ["'ve", ","] >>> strip_context(["can", "'t", "see"], ["ca", "n't", "see"], 1, 1) ["'t"] >>> strip_context(["I", "can", "'t"], ["I", "ca", "n't"], 1, 1) ["can"] >>> strip_context(["because", "somebody", "'d"], ["because", "somebody'd"], 1, 1) [] >>> strip_context(["somebody", "'d", "always"], ["somebody'd", "always"], 1, 1) [] """ start = 0 if start_offset: prefix = "" while old_context[0].startswith(prefix + new_context[start]): prefix += new_context[start] start += 1 diff = len(old_context[0]) - len(prefix) if diff: if start > 0: new_context[start - 1] += new_context[start][:diff] new_context[start] = new_context[start][diff:] end = len(new_context) if end_offset: suffix = "" while old_context[-1].endswith(new_context[end - 1] + suffix): suffix = new_context[end - 1] + suffix end -= 1 diff = len(old_context[-1]) - len(suffix) if diff: end -= 1 if end > 0: new_context[end - 1] += new_context[end][:-diff] new_context[end] = new_context[end][-diff:] return new_context[start:end]
END_CLITICS = {"'m", "'ll", "'s", "'ve", "'d", "'re", "n't", "'t"} START_CLITICS = {"l'", "qu'", "n'", "d'", "s'", "m'", "c'", "t'", "jusqu'", "j'"}
[docs]def insert_spaces(tokens): for token, next_token in zip(tokens[:-1], tokens[1:]): yield token if token.lower() not in START_CLITICS and next_token.lower() not in END_CLITICS\ and not (token == next_token == "'"): yield " " if tokens: yield tokens[-1]
# ------------------------- split cases ----------------------------
[docs]def split_possessive_s_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state): """split possessive s as unanalyzable. xxx's -> xxx 's. use when the original token is unanalyzable.""" without = terminals[i].text.strip("'s") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_token_element(state, without, is_punctuation=False)) terminals[i].text = "'s"
[docs]def split_apostrophe_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state): """Split apostrophe as unanalyzable. x'xxx -> x' xxx. use when the original token is unanalyzable.""" split_list = terminals[i].text.split("'") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_token_element(state, split_list[0] + "'", is_punctuation=False)) terminals[i].text = split_list[1]
[docs]def split_hyphen_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state): """split token with hyphens to unanalyzable tokens. xxx-xxx-xx -> xxx - xxx - xx""" divided = terminals[i].text.split("-") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) words = divided[1:] counter = 1 preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_token_element(state, divided[0], is_punctuation=False)) for word in words: preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert + counter, create_token_element(state, "-", is_punctuation=True)) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert + counter + 1, create_token_element(state, word, is_punctuation=False)) counter += 2 preterminal_parents[i].remove(preterminals[i])
[docs]def split_apostrophe_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, tag1, tag2, state): """split token with apostrophe to Elaborator and Center. x'xxx -> x' xxx""" divided = terminals[i].text.split("'") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, divided[1], tag2)) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, divided[0] + "'", tag1)) preterminal_parents[i].remove(preterminals[i])
[docs]def split_hyphen_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, tag1, tag2, state): """split token with hyphen to two different units. xxx-xxx -> xxx - xxx""" divided = terminals[i].text.split("-") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, divided[1], tag2)) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_token_element(state, "-", is_punctuation=True)) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, divided[0], tag1)) preterminal_parents[i].remove(preterminals[i])
[docs]def split_possessive_s_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state, tag1, tag2): """split possessive s to two different units. xxx's -> xxx 's""" without = terminals[i].text.strip("'s") index_to_insert = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) first_type = preterminal_parents[i].get(SiteCfg.Attr.ElemTag) if tag1 == PARENT_TYPE \ else tag1 preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, "'s", tag2)) preterminal_parents[i].insert(index_to_insert, create_unit_element(state, without, first_type)) preterminal_parents[i].remove(preterminals[i])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def context(i, terminals): start = max(i - CONTEXT, 0) end = min(len(terminals) - 1, i + CONTEXT) context_tokens = [] for elem in terminals[start:end + 1]: context_tokens.append(elem.text) return context_tokens
[docs]def handle_words_set(rule, i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state): """use set of words to determine the right fix needed""" if rule == HYPHEN_TO_UNANALYZABLE: split_hyphen_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state) return True if rule == POSSESSIVE_S_TO_UNANALAYZABLE: split_possessive_s_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state) return True if rule == APOSTROPHE_TO_UNANALAYZABLE: split_apostrophe_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state) return True if preterminal_parents[i].get(SiteCfg.Attr.Unanalyzable) == SiteCfg.TRUE: return False # if token is unanalyzable, do nothing of the next steps. if rule == HYPHEN_TO_E_AND_C: split_hyphen_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, "Elaborator", "Center", state) return True if rule == APOSTROPHE_TO_E_AND_C: split_apostrophe_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, "Elaborator", "Center", state) return True if rule == POSSESSIVE_S_TO_PARENT_AND_F: split_possessive_s_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state, PARENT_TYPE, "Function") return True if rule == POSSESSIVE_S_TO_C_AND_R: split_possessive_s_to_units(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state, "Center", "Relator") return True return False
[docs]def retokenize(i, start, end, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, passage_id, tokenizer, state, cw, words): start_offset = 0 if start == 0 else 1 end_offset = 0 if end == len(terminals) else 1 old_context = [s for t in terminals[start - start_offset:end + end_offset] for s in SiteUtil.unescape( t.text).strip().split()] # In case a token happens to contain a space new_context = [t.orth_ for t in tokenizer("".join(insert_spaces(old_context)))] if old_context == new_context: return False old_tokens = old_context[start_offset:len(old_context) - end_offset] new_tokens = strip_context(new_context, old_context, start_offset, end_offset) if not new_tokens or old_tokens == new_tokens: return False non_punct_indices = false_indices(map(is_punct, new_tokens)) to_write = fixed = None if words is not None and terminals[i].text in words: if handle_words_set(words[terminals[i].text], i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state): fixed = True to_write = "Fixed - Set" else: to_write = "Unhandled - bad set" elif "-" in terminals[i].text: without = terminals[i].text.split("-") if all(word[0].isupper() and word.isalnum() for word in without): split_hyphen_unanalyzable(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, state) fixed = True to_write = "Fixed - Names" elif len(non_punct_indices) == 1: # Only one token in the sequence is not punctuation non_punct_index = non_punct_indices[0] new_tokens = (decode_special_chars(new_tokens[:non_punct_index]) + [ new_tokens[non_punct_index]] + decode_special_chars(new_tokens[ non_punct_index + 1:])) # Replace special charas in punct index_in_preterminal_parent = preterminal_parents[ i].getchildren().index(preterminals[i]) if insert_retokenized_currency(i, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, new_tokens, state): to_write = "Fixed - currency" else: for j in list(range(start, i)) + list( range(i + 1, end)): # Remove all surrounding punct preterminal_parents[j].remove(preterminals[j]) insert_retokenized(terminals[i], preterminal_parents[i], new_tokens, index_in_preterminal_parent, non_punct_index, state) to_write = "Fixed" fixed = True cw.writerow( (to_write, passage_id, " ".join(old_tokens), " ".join(new_tokens), " ".join(context(i, terminals)))) return fixed
[docs]def decode_special_chars(tokens): # Replace special chars with ascii variants but only if length is preserved return [d if len(t) == len(d) or all(c == "." for c in d) else t for t, d in zip(tokens, (unidecode(t) for t in tokens))]
[docs]def fix_tokenization(passage, words_set, lang, cw): tokenizer = get_tokenizer(lang=lang) elem = to_site(passage) state = State() ever_changed = False for paragraph in elem.iterfind(SiteCfg.Paths.Paragraphs): while True: changed = False terminals = list(paragraph.iter(SiteCfg.Tags.Terminal)) preterminals = get_parents(paragraph, terminals) preterminal_parents = get_parents(paragraph, preterminals) is_puncts = [p.get(SiteCfg.Attr.ElemTag) == SiteCfg.Types.Punct for p in preterminals] for i in false_indices(is_puncts): start, end = expand_to_neighboring_punct(i, is_puncts) if retokenize(i, start, end, terminals, preterminals, preterminal_parents, passage.ID, tokenizer, state, cw, words_set): ever_changed = changed = True break if not changed: break return from_site(elem) if ever_changed else None
[docs]def read_dict(file): if file is None: return None with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: words_to_change = dict() new_case = True cur_case = None for line in file: if new_case: cur_case = line.strip() new_case = False continue if line.strip() == "----": new_case = True continue words_to_change[line.strip()] = cur_case print(words_to_change) return words_to_change
[docs]def main(args): os.makedirs(args.outdir, exist_ok=True) words_set = read_dict(args.words_set) with open(args.logfile, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: cw = csv.writer(outfile) for passage in get_passages_with_progress_bar(args.filenames, "Fixing tokenization"): fixed = fix_tokenization(passage, words_set, lang=args.lang, cw=cw) if fixed is not None: outfile.flush() normalize(fixed) write_passage(fixed, outdir=args.outdir, binary=args.binary, prefix=args.prefix, verbose=args.verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__": argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) argparser.add_argument("filenames", nargs="+", help="passage file names to convert") argparser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", default=".", help="output directory") argparser.add_argument("-O", "--logfile", default="fix_tokenization.csv", help="output log file") argparser.add_argument("-l", "--lang", default="en", help="language two-letter code for sentence model") argparser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", default="", help="output filename prefix") argparser.add_argument("-b", "--binary", action="store_true", help="write in pickle binary format (.pickle)") argparser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose output") argparser.add_argument("-s", "--words-set", default=None, help="filename to read the set of words from. each " "section starts with headline of the fix required " "(watch set format), followed by the words to " "fix. sections are separated by ---- line.") main(argparser.parse_args())