
ucca.textutil.annotate_all(passages, replace=False, as_array=False, as_extra=True, as_tuples=False, lang='en', vocab=None, verbose=False)[source]

Run spaCy pipeline on the given passages, unless already annotated :param passages: iterable of Passage objects, whose layer 0 nodes will be added entries in the `extra’ dict :param replace: even if a given passage is already annotated, replace with new annotation :param as_array: instead of adding `extra’ entries to each terminal, set layer 0 extra[“doc”] to array of ids :param as_extra: set `extra’ entries to each terminal :param as_tuples: treat input as tuples of (passage text, context), and return context for each passage as-is :param lang: optional two-letter language code, will be overridden if passage has “lang” attrib :param vocab: optional dictionary of vocabulary IDs to string values, to avoid loading spaCy model :param verbose: whether to print annotated text :return: generator of annotated passages, which are actually modified in-place (same objects as input)