Source code for uccaapp.upload_task

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import logging
import sys

from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
import json

from ucca.convert import to_json, to_text
from ucca.ioutil import get_passages_with_progress_bar
from uccaapp.api import ServerAccessor

    from simplejson.scanner import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError

desc = """Convert a passage file to JSON format and upload to UCCA-App as a completed task"""

# or
# upload the parse as a (completed) task:
# 0. decide which project and user you want to assign it to
# 1. POST passage (easy format)
# 2. POST task x (of type tokenization)
# 3. PUT task x (submit)
# 4. POST task y (of type annotation with parent x; this is the more complicated format)
# 5. PUT task y (submit)

[docs]class TaskUploader(ServerAccessor): def __init__(self, user_id, source_id, project_id, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_source(source_id) self.set_project(project_id) self.set_user(user_id)
[docs] def upload_tasks(self, filenames, log=None, submit=True, existing_ids=None, **kwargs): del kwargs log_h = open(log, "w", encoding="utf-8") if log else None if existing_ids: with open(existing_ids, "r", encoding="utf-8") as ids_h: ids = {old_passage_id: (passage_id, tok_id, ann_id) for (old_passage_id, passage_id, tok_id, ann_id) in map(str.split, ids_h)} else: ids = None try: for passage in get_passages_with_progress_bar(filenames, desc="Uploading"): logging.debug("Uploading passage %s" % passage.ID) task = self.upload_task(passage, log=log_h, submit=submit, ids=ids) logging.debug("Submitted task %d" % task["id"]) yield task except HTTPError as e: try: raise ValueError((e.response.json() if e.response else json.loads(e.args[0]))["detail"]) from e except JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError(e.response.text) from e finally: if log: log_h.close()
[docs] def upload_task(self, passage, log=None, submit=True, ids=None, upload=True): if ids: passage_id, tok_id, ann_id = ids[passage.ID] passage_out = self.get_passage(passage_id) tok_user_task_out = tok_task_out = self.get_user_task(tok_id) ann_user_task_in = self.get_user_task(ann_id) else: passage_out = self.create_passage(text=to_text(passage, sentences=False)[0], type="PUBLIC", source=self.source, external_id=passage.ID) if upload else passage task_in = dict(type="TOKENIZATION", status="ONGOING", project=self.project, user=self.user, passage=passage_out, manager_comment=passage.ID, user_comment=passage.ID, parent=None, is_demo=False, is_active=True) tok_task_out = self.create_task(**task_in) if upload else task_in tok_user_task_in = dict(tok_task_out) tok_user_task_in.update(to_json(passage, return_dict=True, tok_task=True)) tok_user_task_out = self.submit_task(**tok_user_task_in) if upload else tok_user_task_in task_in.update(parent=tok_task_out, type="ANNOTATION") ann_user_task_in = self.create_task(**task_in) if upload else task_in ann_user_task_in.update( to_json(passage, return_dict=True, tok_task=tok_user_task_out, all_categories=self.layer["categories"])) ann_user_task_out = self.submit_task(**ann_user_task_in, submit=submit) if upload else ann_user_task_in if log: print(passage.ID, passage_out["id"], tok_task_out["id"], ann_user_task_out["id"], file=log, sep="\t", flush=True) return ann_user_task_out
[docs] @staticmethod def add_arguments(argparser): argparser.add_argument("filenames", nargs="+", help="passage file names to convert and upload") argparser.add_argument("-l", "--log", help="filename to write log of uploaded passages to") argparser.add_argument("--no-submit", action="store_false", dest="submit", help="do not submit annotation task") argparser.add_argument("--existing-ids", help="use existing task IDs from file (output of --log); no creation") argparser.add_argument("-n", "--no-upload", action="store_false", dest="upload", help="do not upload anything") ServerAccessor.add_project_id_argument(argparser) ServerAccessor.add_source_id_argument(argparser) ServerAccessor.add_user_id_argument(argparser) ServerAccessor.add_arguments(argparser)
[docs]def main(**kwargs): list(TaskUploader(**kwargs).upload_tasks(**kwargs))
if __name__ == "__main__": argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) TaskUploader.add_arguments(argument_parser) main(**vars(argument_parser.parse_args())) sys.exit(0)