Source code for

import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring

from tqdm import tqdm

from ucca import convert
from ucca.ioutil import write_passage, external_write_mode
from ucca_db.api import get_by_xids, get_most_recent_passage_by_uid

desc = "Download passages from old UCCA annotation app"

[docs]def get_by_method(method, id_field, passage_id=None, **kwargs): if method == "xid": return get_by_xids(xids=id_field, **kwargs)[0] elif method == "uid": return get_most_recent_passage_by_uid(id_field, passage_id, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Unknown method: '%s'" % method)
[docs]def main(args): os.makedirs(args.outdir, exist_ok=True) with open(args.filename, encoding="utf-8") as f: t = list(map(str.split, f)) if not args.verbose: t = tqdm(t, desc="Downloading", unit=" passages") for passage_id, id_field in t: if not args.verbose: t.set_postfix({"passage_id": passage_id, args.method: id_field}) if args.verbose: with external_write_mode(): print("Getting passage " + passage_id + " with " + args.method + "=" + id_field, end="\t") xml_root = get_by_method(id_field=id_field.split(","), passage_id=passage_id, **vars(args)) if xml_root is None: continue if args.write_site: site_filename = passage_id + "_site_download.xml" with open(site_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fsite: print(tostring(xml_root).decode(), file=fsite) if args.verbose: with external_write_mode(): print("Wrote '%s'" % site_filename) if args.write: write_passage(convert.from_site(xml_root), outdir=args.outdir, verbose=args.verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__": argparser = ArgumentParser(description=desc) argparser.add_argument("filename", help="specification filename with (passage ID, xid OR uid) per passage") argparser.add_argument("-m", "--method", default="uid", choices=("xid", "uid"), help="by xid or latest by paid,uid") argparser.add_argument("-d", "--db-name", default="work", help="database name") argparser.add_argument("-H", "--host-name", default="pgserver", help="host name") argparser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", default=".", help="directory to write created XML IDs to") argparser.add_argument("-s", "--write-site", action="store_true", help="write site format, too, for debugging") argparser.add_argument("-n", "--no-write", dest="write", action="store_false", help="do not really write any files") argparser.add_argument("-x", "--write-xids", help="file to write xids to (for `uid' method)") argparser.add_argument("-S", "--strict", action="store_true", help="fail if no result is found") argparser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="print tagged text for each passage") main(argparser.parse_args())