Source code for ucca.visualization

import re
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import attrgetter

from ucca import layer0, layer1

[docs]def node_label(node): return re.sub("[^(]*\((.*)\)", "\\1", node.attrib.get("label", ""))
[docs]def draw(passage, node_ids=False): import matplotlib.cbook import networkx as nx warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=matplotlib.cbook.mplDeprecation) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from([(n.ID, {"label": n.text, "color": "white"}) for n in passage.layer(layer0.LAYER_ID).all]) g.add_nodes_from([(n.ID, {"label": "IMPLICIT", "color": "white"}) for n in passage.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID).all if n.attrib.get("implicit")]) g.add_nodes_from([(n.ID, {"label": node_label(n) or (n.ID if node_ids else ""), "color": "gray" if n.tag == layer1.NodeTags.Linkage else ("white" if node_label(n) or (n.ID and node_ids) else "black")}) for n in passage.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID).all if not n.attrib.get("implicit")]) g.add_edges_from([(n.ID, e.child.ID, {"label": "|".join(e.tags), "style": "dashed" if e.attrib.get("remote") else "solid"}) for layer in passage.layers for n in layer.all for e in n]) pos = topological_layout(passage) nx.draw(g, pos, arrows=False, font_size=10, node_color=[d["color"] for _, d in g.nodes(data=True)], labels={n: d["label"] for n, d in g.nodes(data=True) if d["label"]}, style=[d["style"] for _, _, d in g.edges(data=True)]) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(g, pos, font_size=8, edge_labels={(u, v): d["label"] for u, v, d in g.edges(data=True)})
[docs]def topological_layout(passage): visited = defaultdict(set) pos = {} terminals = passage.layer(layer0.LAYER_ID).all if terminals: implicit_offset = list(range(0, 1 + max(n.position for n in terminals))) leaves = sorted([n for layer in passage.layers for n in layer.all if not n.children], key=lambda n: getattr(n, "position", None) or (n.fparent.end_position if n.fparent else -1)) for node in leaves: # draw leaves first to establish ordering if node.layer.ID == layer0.LAYER_ID: # terminal x = node.position pos[node.ID] = (x + sum(implicit_offset[:x + 1]), 0) elif node.fparent: # implicit implicit_offset[node.fparent.end_position] += 1 else: implicit_offset = [0] remaining = [n for n in passage.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID).all if not n.parents] implicits = [] while remaining: # draw non-terminals node = remaining.pop() if node.ID in pos: # done already continue children = [c for c in node.children if c.ID not in pos and c not in visited[node.ID]] if children: visited[node.ID].update(children) # to avoid cycles remaining += [node] + children continue if node.children: xs, ys = zip(*(pos[c.ID] for c in node.children if not c.attrib.get("implicit"))) pos[node.ID] = sum(xs) / len(xs), 1 + max(ys) # done with children else: implicits.append(node) for node in implicits: fparent = node.fparent or passage.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID).heads[0] x = fparent.end_position x += sum(implicit_offset[:x + 1]) _, y = pos.get(fparent.ID, (0, 0)) pos[node.ID] = (x, y - 1) pos = {i: (x, y ** 1.01)for i, (x, y) in pos.items()} # stretch up to avoid over cluttering return pos
TEX_ESCAPE_TABLE = { "&": r"\&", "%": r"\%", "$": r"\$", "#": r"\#", "_": r"\_", "{": r"\{", "}": r"\}", "~": r"\textasciitilde{}", "^": r"\^{}", "\\": r"\textbackslash{}", "<": r"\textless ", ">": r"\textgreater ", } TEX_ESCAPE_PATTERN = re.compile("|".join(map(re.escape, sorted(TEX_ESCAPE_TABLE, key=len, reverse=True))))
[docs]def tex_escape(text): """ :param text: a plain text message :return: the message escaped to appear correctly in LaTeX """ return TEX_ESCAPE_PATTERN.sub(lambda match: TEX_ESCAPE_TABLE[], text)
[docs]def tikz(p, indent=None, node_ids=False): """ Visualize to TikZ format :param p: Passage :param indent: indentation size or None for no indentation :param node_ids: whether to include node IDs :return: string in TikZ format """ if indent is None: l1 = p.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID) return r""" \begin{tikzpicture}[->,level distance=1cm, level 1/.style={sibling distance=4cm}, level 2/.style={sibling distance=15mm}, level 3/.style={sibling distance=15mm}, every circle node/.append style={%s=black}, every node/.append style={text height=.6ex,text depth=0}] \tikzstyle{word} = [font=\rmfamily,color=black] """ % ("draw" if node_ids else "fill") + "\\" + tikz(l1.heads[0], indent=1, node_ids=node_ids) + \ "\n".join([";"] + [r" \draw[dashed,->] (%s) to node [auto] {%s} (%s);" % (e.parent.ID.replace(".", "_"), "|".join(e.tags), e.child.ID.replace(".", "_")) for n in l1.all for e in n if e.attrib.get("remote")] + [r"\end{tikzpicture}"]) return "node (" + p.ID.replace(".", "_") + ") " + ( ("[word] {" + (" ".join(tex_escape(t.text) for t in sorted(p.terminals, key=attrgetter("position"))) or r"\textbf{IMPLICIT}") + "} ") if p.terminals or p.attrib.get("implicit") else ("\n" + indent * " ").join( ["[circle] {%s}" % (node_label(p) or (p.ID if node_ids else "")), "{"] + ["child {" + tikz(e.child, indent + 1) + " edge from parent node[auto] {" + "|".join(e.tags) + "}}" for e in sorted(p, key=lambda f: f.child.start_position) if not e.attrib.get("remote")] + ["}"]))
[docs]def standoff(p): """ Visualize to Standoff .ann format, which can be presented with brat :param p: Passage :return: string in Standoff format """ l0 = p.layer(layer0.LAYER_ID) terminal_start = {} terminal_end = {} start = end = 0 for terminal in sorted(l0.all, key=attrgetter("position")): terminal_start[terminal.ID] = start end += len(terminal.text) terminal_end[terminal.ID] = end end += 1 start = end tag_to_category = {v: k for k, v in layer1.EdgeTags.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__")} l1 = p.layer(layer1.LAYER_ID) remote_counter = 1 lines = [l1.heads[0].to_text()] units = [unit for unit in l1.all if unit.tag == layer1.NodeTags.Foundational and unit.ftags] units = sorted(units, key=attrgetter("start_position", "end_position")) unit_to_id = {unit.ID: str(i) for i, unit in enumerate(units, start=1)} for unit in units: terminals = unit.get_terminals() if terminals: spans = [] for terminal in terminals: start = terminal_start[terminal.ID] end = terminal_end[terminal.ID] if not spans or spans[-1][1] < start - 1: spans.append((start, end)) else: spans[-1] = (spans[-1][0], end) lines.append("\t".join(("T" + unit_to_id[unit.ID], "|".join(tag_to_category.get(tag, tag) for tag in unit.ftags) + " " + ";".join("%d %d" % (s, e) for s, e in spans), unit.to_text()))) for edge in unit.incoming: if edge.attrib.get("remote"): lines.append("\t".join(("R%d" % remote_counter, " ".join(("|".join(tag_to_category.get(tag, tag) for tag in edge.tags), "parent:T" + unit_to_id[edge.parent.ID], "child:T" + unit_to_id[edge.child.ID]))))) remote_counter += 1 return "\n".join(lines)