Source code for scripts.evaluate_standard

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""The evaluation script for UCCA layer 1."""
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from itertools import repeat

from ucca import evaluation, constructions, ioutil

[docs]def main(args): guessed, ref, ref_yield_tags = [None if x is None else ioutil.read_files_and_dirs((x,)) for x in (args.guessed, args.ref, args.ref_yield_tags)] if args.match_by_id: guessed = match_by_id(guessed, ref) ref_yield_tags = match_by_id(ref_yield_tags, ref) results = [] eval_type = evaluation.UNLABELED if args.unlabeled else evaluation.LABELED verbose = args.verbose or len(guessed) == 1 for g, r, ryt in zip(guessed, ref, ref_yield_tags or repeat(None)): if len(guessed) > 1: print("Evaluating %s%s" % (g.ID, ":" if args.verbose else "..."), end="\r", flush=True) if args.verbose: print() result = evaluation.evaluate(g, r, constructions=args.constructions, units=args.units, fscore=args.fscore, errors=args.errors, verbose=verbose, normalize=args.normalize, ref_yield_tags=ryt, eval_type=evaluation.UNLABELED if args.unlabeled else None) if verbose: if args.errors: result.print_confusion_matrix(as_table=args.as_table) if not args.quiet: print_f1(result, eval_type) results.append(result) summarize(args, results, eval_type=eval_type)
[docs]def match_by_id(guessed, ref): if guessed is None: return None if len(guessed) != len(ref): raise ValueError("Number of passages to compare does not match: %d != %d" % (len(guessed), len(ref))) if len(guessed) > 1: guessed_by_id = {} for g in guessed: print("Reading %s..." % g.ID, end="\r", flush=True) guessed_by_id[g.ID] = g ids = [p.ID for p in ref] try: return [guessed_by_id[i] for i in ids] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("Passage IDs do not match") from e return guessed
[docs]def summarize(args, results, eval_type): summary = evaluation.Scores.aggregate(results) if len(results) > 1: if args.verbose: print("Aggregated scores:") else: if not args.quiet: if args.fscore: summary.print() elif args.errors: print(args.guessed, args.ref) summary.print_confusion_matrix(as_table=args.as_table) if not args.quiet: print_f1(summary, eval_type=eval_type) if args.out_file: with open(args.out_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(*summary.titles(eval_type=eval_type), sep=",", file=f) for result in results: print(*result.fields(eval_type=eval_type), sep=",", file=f) print("Wrote '%s'" % args.out_file) for filename, counts in ((args.summary_file, False), (args.counts_file, True)): if filename: with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(*summary.titles(eval_type=eval_type, counts=counts), sep=",", file=f) print(*summary.fields(eval_type=eval_type, counts=counts), sep=",", file=f) print("Wrote '%s'" % filename) if args.errors_file: with open(args.errors_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: summary.print_confusion_matrix(sep=",", as_table=args.as_table, file=f) print("Wrote '%s'" % args.errors_file)
[docs]def check_args(args): if args.out_file or args.summary_file or not (args.units or args.fscore or args.errors): args.fscore = True if args.errors_file: args.errors = True return args
if __name__ == "__main__": argparser = ArgumentParser(description="Compare two UCCA passages or two directories containing passage files.") argparser.add_argument("guessed", help="xml/pickle file name for the guessed annotation, or directory of files") argparser.add_argument("ref", help="xml/pickle file name for the reference annotation, or directory of files") argparser.add_argument("-r", "--ref-yield-tags", help="xml/pickle file name for reference used for extracting edge " "categories for fine-grained annotation " "(--constructions categories), or directory of files") argparser.add_argument("-u", "--units", action="store_true", help="the units the annotations have in common, and those each has separately") argparser.add_argument("-f", "--fscore", action="store_true", help="outputs the traditional P,R,F instead of the scene structure evaluation") argparser.add_argument("-e", "--errors", action="store_true", help="prints the error distribution according to its frequency") argparser.add_argument("-N", "--no-normalize", dest="normalize", action="store_false", help="do not normalize passages before evaluation") argparser.add_argument("-I", "--no-match-by-id", dest="match_by_id", action="store_false", help="do not match passages by ID, instead matching by order") argparser.add_argument("--as-table", action="store_true", help="if given --errors, print confusion matrix as table") argparser.add_argument("--unlabeled", action="store_true", help="only unlabeled evaluation") argparser.add_argument("--out-file", help="file to write results for each evaluated passage to, in CSV format") argparser.add_argument("--summary-file", help="file to write aggregated scores to, in CSV format") argparser.add_argument("--counts-file", help="file to write aggregated counts to, in CSV format") argparser.add_argument("--errors-file", help="file to write aggregated confusion matrix to, in CSV format") group = argparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="prints the results for every single pair (always true if there is only one pair)") group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="do not print anything") constructions.add_argument(argparser) main(check_args(argparser.parse_args()))